The Group

The European Politics Research Group is headed by Prof. Frank Schimmelfennig and currently consists of the post-doctoral researchers Marius Ghincea, Sven Hegewald, Alessia Invernizzi, Levan Kakhishvili, Jana Lipps, Giorgio Malet, Mohamed Nasr and Aydin Yildirim; the PhD students Buket Demirci, Pit Rieger and Massimo Troncone; and office manager Jessica Langer.
The group studies European politics and integration. Past and current research projects have been concerned with European boundary formation, EU enlargement and membership discourses, the constitutionalization and democratization of the EU, EU democracy and rule-of-law promotion, compliance with EU rules, differentiated integration in Europe, and international parliamentary institutions.
Of the 32 EUP PhD students, 16 have been female and 16 male. 17 have come from German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), and 15 from other countries.
Of the 18 EUP post-doctoral researchers, 7 have been female and 11 male. Nine postdocs each have come from German and non-German speaking countries, respectively.
Of the 14 EUP doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who have become professors in the meantime, seven have been female and seven male. Eight have come from German-speaking countries, and six from other countries.
The EUP group values diversity but hires and promotes researchers on the basis of individual merit.
General Enquiries
Should you have any questions or concerns with regards to the European Politics Group and their research, please feel free to contact our office manager.
Dep. Geistes-,Sozial-u.Staatswiss.
Haldeneggsteig 4
How to find us

Zurich City Campus
ETH Zurich
IFW Building
Haldeneggsteig 4
8001 Zurich
D-Floor, room 45.1
Tel: +41 (0)44 632 12 89