Dr. Mohamed Nasr

Dr.  Mohamed Nasr

Dr. Mohamed Nasr

Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

ETH Zürich

Professur für Europäische Politik

IFW D 35.2

Haldeneggsteig 4

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Mohamed Nasr is a postdoctoral researcher in the European Political Group as a part of the ERC-funded project Rebordering Europe: Boundary Formation in European Integration (EUROBORD). Mohamed investigates the role of political parties in politicizing EU boundaries and leads data collection for the working package on political parties.

Mohamed has obtained his doctorate from the European University Institute in 2021 and Master of Science from the University of Oxford in 2018. His doctoral dissertation investigated how parties' electoral strategies, such as position avoidance and position blurring, shape voter perceptions of party positions. His work has recently appeared (or forthcoming) in Comparative Political Studies, the European Journal of Political Research, the Journal European of Public Policy, Party Politics, and Electoral Studies. During his PhD, he has also been involved in designing and running cross-country surveys on public opinion and European solidarity in the framework of the EUI-YouGov ‘Solidarity in Europe’ project. Mohamed's research interests include party competition, political behavior, public opinion, and European politics. Empirically, he is interested in quantitative methods, survey experiments, and text-as-data methods. 

Publications in peer-reviewed journals: 

 Useful links: 

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
851-0075-01L Contemporary European Politics
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